Aramith BLACK Tournament Duramith Tech American Pool Ball Set 2 1/4″ (57mm)
Aramith has created a brand new pool set design in partnership with Matchroom Multisport. Matchroom and SALUC have a long-standing relationship dating back to the 1990s, over which time Aramith Pro-Cup balls have become the industry standard. Earlier this year Matchroom and SALUC agreed a three-year extension of their current partnership and began working together to create the ‘Tournament Black’ set, which will be used at this year’s partypoker Mosconi Cup and all future Matchroom Pool events, including the 2020 US Open 9-Ball Championship. Yves Bilquin, COO of SALUC, said: “Aramith have created a brand-new ball set design coupled with the ultimate quality. We are thrilled to have collaborated with Matchroom to also find a new colour scheme that will enhance the viewers’ experience.” Emily Frazer, COO of Matchroom Multi Sport, said: “2019 has been the start of a very exciting time in 9-ball for Matchroom Pool; each of our events more magnificent and successful than the last. As our events grow, our partnerships grow and it is great to have such a long-standing and strong working relationship with Aramith.” Duramith TechnologyThe Aramith BLACK Tournament set features Duramith technology with its hi-tech engineered molecular structure enhancing drastically the longevity of the balls while minimizing significantly table cloth wear. With a life-time that exceeds up to 8 times that of the average polyester and phenol-like resins, reaching easily up to 40 years in residential use, Aramith ball sets are the logical choice for both the trade and the player. With its new Duramith formulation, the 4th generation Aramith 4 life products cross new boundaries, guaranteeing the lowest cost of ownership. Duramith : the new benchmark With the Duramith Technology, the Aramith resins entered their 4th generation. With a totally overhauled resin formulation with new hi-tech reticulation, cross-linking and curing technologies, the Aramith products now set a new benchmark in quality, durability & longevity, increasing their service life up to 50% during which: